Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shoe Car Journal

This one dude one day wanted to buy a new car. He wanted something new and different, something that no one else had. He went from dealership to dealership seeing if they had a car that no one had and he came out with no luck. So he went to craigslist and searched for a custom car that no one else had. The first post was by this shoe maker. He was selling a car but he put no pictures of it on it. He decided to give the number a call and set up an appointment with the guy. Later on he went and visited the guy at the guys warehouse. It was a bit creepy but once he got in he saw it and fell in love. The price of it didn't matter for the guy but he wanted it so bad he bought it without going for a test drive. He handed the guy a check and rolled off the lot in it. He kept driving it and driving it happily. Once it was broken in he would do some races like the one in this picture. He knows he could waste any car in his way. He loved his shoe car until it broke because of the wear and tear on it.

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